Our Values
Within Ourselves
We work to become better, kinder, and more heart-centered people.
We value reason, critical thinking, intuition, and emotional awareness.
We treat ourselves with kindness, realizing we are not perfect.

Within Our Fellowship
We encourage growth and development in each other.
We nurture the human spirit through acceptance, forgiveness, kindness, and mercy.
We celebrate our joys and support one another in times of sorrow.

With Others
We believe in the potential for good in every person.
We listen with compassion and encourage justice, equity, and cooperation in human relationships.
We support transparent governance, the democratic process, and freedom of conscience.

With the Earth and Our Future
We work for the common good and nurture our global community.
We are part of something much bigger than ourselves and recognize the miracles of everyday life.
We acknowledge the sacredness of the Earth and our responsibility to cherish and protect it for future generations.

Our Aspirations
Listen to all voices and experiences with compassion and encouragement toward spiritual growth.
Unite around principles of liberty, equity and peace.
Advocate for the democratic process, reason, free inquiry and freedom of conscience